
Mar 10, 2012

IMAM Eire Medical Symposium: Aims & Objectives

Medical professionals have the greatest potential to aid society in various ways other than by just working within the confines of a hospital or clinic. IMAM Medical Symposium 2012 will highlight multiple routes that are accessible to doctors and students to channel their profession and make an eminent difference in the lives of those they come in contact with. Other than that, this event will encourage those in the medical field who have a budding interest to make a bigger difference in society and support them by providing the requisite knowledge in relation to voluntary work. This time around, the objectives of the IMAM Medical Symposium have been formed based on these conjectures. The formulated objectives are:

  • To sow seeds of interest within participants, both practicing and aspiring doctors, to become involved in voluntary work within the line of medicine through participation in NGOs, research or other forms of voluntary work.
  • To provide a platform for participants to access means of becoming involved in voluntary work and to effect positive changes in society, be it in the form of manpower or brainpower.
  • To provide information to the participants about the concept and importance of voluntary work and how it makes a difference to the society.
  • To gather like-minded people who share the same interest and give them the opportunity to express their views and share their experiences on voluntary work outside their work scope as well as to encourage interaction amongst participants.
  • To accentuate the importance of building solid characteristics of an ideal doctor through involvement in voluntary work.


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